Coronavirus and School

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By Davide

Hi everyone! I’m sure these days you have all heard about this virus, Covid-19. The news is full of reports about victims, new clusters, healings and the situation in the various countries; but today I’m going to write about the effects that this virus has had on the school systems around the world. 

I would like to start taking your attention to the fact that countries near us have already decided a date for school reopening, like the UK and France. In the first country, the plan is to reopen schools on 1st July, while in France there wasn’t one specific day, because the reopening was implemented gradually; but over 40 000 primary schools have opened since the 11th of May. The problem in France was that only a week after that date there has been a new wave of infections in the just-reopened schools, so the French government has decided to close some of these schools, to prevent the spread of the disease. 

Now, let’s shift our attention to another country: this time we’re in Rome, Italy, where about 200 demonstrators protested in front of the Ministry of Education to ask for a reopening of all the schools in September 2020. As you probably know, in Italy schools have been closed since 5th March, due to the coronavirus lockdown; the problem is that as far as now the country is still waiting for specific instructions on how to open schools in September. 

I have to say that I’m really annoyed because of the effects that this virus has had on my life. I’m not talking only about the huge number of deaths or the immediate spreading of covid-19, but also because in these months I have missed all my closest relationships more than ever: my friends, my girlfriend, and also all of my relatives. The situation here is improving, but it’s not totally safe to go out yet. I hope that in a month or two we will all be able to go out with friends in a total lightheartedness. 

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