It was the best of times, it was the worst of times

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We always think we are going through hard times, until it comes something that puts everything in perspective. Of course, the last months have been busy, and I am proud of all we have done together. Now, we are forced to stay in, but this does not mean we have to lock down our lives.

In the last year we have shared many things together, and I am really proud of the outcome. The time we are living has forced us to use technology to keep our human relationships going. Then, I will be updating the website, adding some content, some initiatives, and maybe some worksheets, and in general letting you know something about what we have done in the last 20 months!

Along with the old stuff, of course there will be some new stuff. There will be activities for adults, but also for kids and teens – who are those who need connecting the most-, a newsletter, some challenges and other material I can’t spoiler. In the meantime, if you have any recommendations or ideas, please get in touch.

Try to make the best of this time, and remember that this is the time when love is needed the most.

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