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What’s Bubble!? Che cos’é Bubble!?

Bubble! is a way to meet new people and train yourself at using a foreign language – at the moment we are practicing English. It’s open to everybody, either native Italian people or other language natives, tourists included. It aims at improving your English through free conversation, without anybody judging you, and at creating your own language that goes over what book or English courses want us to say. This makes our communication more effective, since we don’t just deliver the message, but we also communicate something about ourselves.

Bubble! é un’occasione per incontrare persone ed esercitarsi a comunicare in una lingua straniera – per ora in inglese. E’ aperto a tutti, italiani ma soprattutto stranieri e turisti e non solo mira al miglioramento delle lingue straniere attraverso la conversazione libera e priva di giudizio, ma anche alla creazione di un nostro linguaggio non vincolato a quello che ci impongono i libri di testo ed i corsi di inglese. In questo modo la comunicazione diventa realmente efficace perché ci permette di comunicare non solo il messaggio ma anche qualcosa di noi.

How does it work? Come funziona Bubble!?

We meet every Tuesday night from 9 to 10.30. It’s open to anybody who want to join! You do not need any subscription. If you want to come to Bubble! get in contact with our staff (add a comment to the event or text +39 340 93 45 868) to know where we are meeting.

Ci incontriamo il martedì sera dalle 21 alle 22.30 circa. La partecipazione é volontaria ed aperta a tutti! Non servono abbonamenti o iscrizioni. Se vuoi partecipare, contatta il nostro staff (commenta l’evento o manda un sms al numero 340 93 45 868) per sapere dove ci incontreremo.


Bubble! mission

Bubble! is a place where you can use any language as your native with the aim of communicating with other people in the most effective way possible.

Bubble! is born as a place where everyone can find their own words. Words are  very important because they express the world we see and we perceive. Studies have shown that the language we speak expresses a different way to see the world, and that a bilingual mind is very beneficial in many ways to our life and health.

Getting to use a different language from our native language is sometimes like going into therapy because it brings out of you some parts of your personality you might not know you have. But, hey! it has its pros, too: you can face a problem in different ways, think outside the box, be more tolerant, and quite importantly it gets you the access to totally different knowledges expressed in different languages.

The final objective of Bubble! is to help you find your words, those words that really show who you are and what you feel. We do so using English just as a mean to express ourselves. Once you have found your words, you can communicate better, work better, live better!


Here you can find what Enrica said about our Bubble! chats.